2011 April Report
This will be your last monthly report until the start of this autumn/winter/spring season, but will of course keep you up to date on the website www.bowlingalmeria.com during the summer months of what is happening generally and competition wise.
The first day of April we played our re-scheduled Millennium Trophy. This was another change of this competition replacing the original, ‘Millennium Invitation Rinks’ when three teams of ‘Fours’ were invited from all of our local bowling clubs to play a one day round -robin format competition. This year because of the intense fixture program with the new CALB disciplines and not knowing how many members would be available, due to Snowbirds returning to UK, together with the uncertainty of green availability, we tried a drawn triples round-robin event. The clear winners were Catherine Patrick, Wayne Roberts and Peggy Pinn. Runners up were Harry Dodds, Rod Digweed and Lyn Burgess.
Cash prizes were presented and took place on completion of the competition outside on the bar and restaurant patio, when it was very obvious that most of those taking part thoroughly enjoyed the day. A decision will be made in due course whether this competition will continue in this format.
The summer competitions which John and Sue Mannall have now taken the reigns actually started with a good attendance on Wednesday 27th with the Reliant Trophy. The Eleanor McCraw unfortunately was rained off on Monday 25th. However Sue who is doing a great job with her position as Lady Captain and Fixture Secretary, used this opportunity to instigate an email, which would let all those who on the internet, know when a competition has to be cancelled in times of inclement weather. Fortunately during the summer there are only a few members who are not computerized and these will be contacted by telephone or they would contact John and Sue by telephone.
The Summer Hong Kong Pairs was drawn on Thursday 28th by the CALB committee. Information for the start on 6th May etc. is available on our website.
Yours truly arrived back with Joan after a very busy week back in UK, attending hospital appointments, sorting my Competition Secretary responsibilities for my UK bowling Club etc. We were very fortunate to have a buyer for our casa just before going home on 10th April, together with the extremely good news that my cancer was in remission. Armed with this good news, we organized a rental, prepared the casa for the new owner and moved into the rented accommodation. This will make no difference to our lifestyle, as we will be renting for a similar period we have in the past. I will still be running the website and of course continuing with my Vice Chairman and Competition Secretary’s duties.
Vic Parsons
ALBC Press Officer and Vice Chairman