2012 Monthly Report – January
Joan and I have just returned back from UK and looking forward to our bowls and decent weather. I trust everyone is enjoying the exciting new era of our new carpet. A big thank you to Anthony and Shirley Jackson on their investment which I am sure they will enjoy the benefits as much as we will be playing on this surface.
During the period of going from green to carpet I have tried to keep those who were not in Spain informed of what’s going on. I couldn’t have done this without the constant stream of photographs, emails etc. Thank you all for the input.
As you are all probably aware, the committee decided to purchase from our funds new equipment to go with the new carpet, which include Pushers, bowling mats, score boards, jacks. Thanks to Sue Mannall and Jim Pike for ensuring this was implemented. Other thanks go to Jim and Les Pratchett together with our previous pair, Terry Rodgers and Joe Pemberton for their untiring work on the old greens for the past years. Thanks again as Jim and Les also carried out a carpet laying exercise with the help of John Compton at the bowling start end. This will blend in with the playing surface and assist in making sure we keep this surface as clean as possible.
It is imperative that members must ensure that they do not walk on the carpet after walking on the muddy and stony surroundings. Please change into your bowling shoes, wipe your shoes on carpet pieces before going on the playing surface. Also whilst writing it is important that we ensure that our no smoking rule on or surrounding areas of the carpet where burning ash can be dropped is obeyed. Running on the carpet is also not allowed. This is a big investment that has to last a long time and the above will ensure it does.
Normally on this report I would be informing you of the various competitions results. As you know, not a lot has happened because of the building from green to carpet.
The ALBC Drawn Rinks was postponed until March. Thanks go to John and Sue Mannall for their work in rescheduling the Wednesday League and the Fixtures respectively.
Other highlight at the time of writing. Results to date are that Dave Allen beat Gerald Douglas in the CALB Singles. Jim and Terry Rodgers in the CALB Men’s beat Mike Reynolds and Harvey Parrot of Indalo, plus in the Ladies Pairs Catherine Patrick and Shelagh Allen, all go through to the next round.
The latest result is on the CALB 4’s Competition which should have been completed in December was completed on Sunday 29th January. One of our Teams led by Colin Wright beat a Cabrera 4’s led by Dave Jenkins in a tremendous final when all players thoroughly enjoyed our new carpet.
Once again I will remind all members that most information apropos competitions schedules and special news will be found on our website www.bowlingalmeria.com
Vic Parsons
Vice Chairman and Press Officer