2013 CALB Men & Ladies Singles & Pairs Final Results & Photographs.
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2013 Men and Ladies CALB Singles & Pairs Semi’s Final Results
On Friday 15th March the CALB Men and Ladies Singles Finals took place at Almeria Bowling Club. The Semi-Finals were played at the challengers bowling club. This competition began in December 2012 and involved over eighty players from bowling clubs, Almeria (ABC) Cabrera (CAB)and Indalo. (IND) The results were as follows:
Semi- Finals
Ladies Singles: Doreen Hall/Cath Patrick Winner: Doreen (IND)
Babs Davies/ Jill Young Winner: Babs (IND)
Men’s Singles: Dereck Webb/Graham Clough Winner: Graham (ABC
Mark Naylor/Andy Cooper Winner: Mark (CAB)
Ladies Pairs: Sue Mannall/Jane Franklin v Shelagh Allen/Cath Patrick – Winners: Sue & Jane (ABC)
Lyn Stoyles/Judy Abel v Doreen Hall/Janey Leggate Winners: Lyn & Judy (CAB)
Men’s Pairs: Roy Tonkin/Colin Wright v Barry Jones/ Bryan Franklin Winners: Roy & Colin (ABC
Men’s Pairs: Graham Patrick/JohnFitzgerald v Andy Cooper/Steve Grattage Winners: Graham & John (ABC)
Final Winners (Champions)
Ladies Singles Babs Davies (IND)
Men’s Singles: Graham Clough (ABC)
Ladies Pairs: Lyn Stoyles/Judy Abel (CAB)
Men’s Pairs: Roy Tonkin/Colin Wright (ABC)
Vic Parsons – ABC Press Officer