2012/2013 ALBC Fixtures
ALMERIA LAWN BOWLS CLUB – FIXTURES 2013 2013 Jan 1 Tues 1100 ALBC New Year Club Special TBA Almeria Jan 8 Tues 1400 CALB 4s Competition Inter Club League League R/R All Venues...
ALMERIA LAWN BOWLS CLUB – FIXTURES 2013 2013 Jan 1 Tues 1100 ALBC New Year Club Special TBA Almeria Jan 8 Tues 1400 CALB 4s Competition Inter Club League League R/R All Venues...
The league will consist of 12 teams playing one match at home and one away against each of the other teams. Teams will consist of not less than 18 players, of which 12 must...
CONTACT TEL NO MOBILE NO E-MAIL Manager MIKE CHAMPION 950 398 021 mike.chrischampion@gmail.com Co-ordinator JOHN MANNALL 637 808 795 john@mannall.info TEAM GUNNERS Capt JOHN MANNALL 677 074 982 637...
ALMERIA LAWN BOWLS CLUB – FIXTURES 2012 2012 Jan 1 Sun 1100 ABC Club Special TBA Jan 5 Thur 1400 ABC Frank Sharpe Drawn Fours POSTPONED Almeria Jan 8 Sun 1100 FEB...
Wednesday Triples League Captains Meeting Held on Friday 20th July 2012 Minutes of the meeting In attendance: John Mannall (Co-Ordinator), Mike Champion (League Manager) Janet Lawrence, Barry Jones, Paul Milsom, Rod Band, Trevor...